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Vogue Essentials: Lingerie

449 Kč
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Images of lingerie have been showcased in British Vogue since its launch in 1916. They demonstrate more than just changing fashion; they serve as a commentary on ideas of propriety, the progress of female emancipation and technological advancements as well as ever-changing ideals of the female silhouette and concepts of beauty.

Divided into categories of Stretch & Go, Pretty Things, Under Control and After Dark, Vogue Essentials: Lingerie explores the evolution of lingerie over the 100 years of Vogue's history, commenting on changing fashions, influence on popular culture, the psychology of lingerie and its role as a liberator, accompanied by more than 100 images from the British Vogue archive.

Published simultaneously with Vogue Essentials: Heels. This irresistible series from Conran Octopus and British Vogue explores the key pieces in a stylish woman's wardrobe and features photographs from Vogue's peerless archive of more than a million pictures.


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