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Loose Leaf

449 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)

Observe nature, be inspired by it and start experimenting. These are the tenets upon which Loose Leaf was created by botanical designers Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler. In their stunning book, Loose Leaf, they show us the many ways we can get creative with nature. It's filled with ways to bring the beauty of nature into our homes and our lives.

Each chapter is dedicated to design with different natural materials such as cut flowers and foliage, sculptural medium and living plants. 10 projects explore the full range of Wona and Charlie's unique sculptures and botanical installations. In each project they show us practical ways to get creative with nature, including how to make items such as seasonal wreaths, hanging gardens, organic sculptures as well as the secrets behind their signature Monstera chandeliers.

Loose Leaf harnesses the belief that by bringing the outside in through design with natural material such as plants and flowers, you can realise the importance of nature and learn its nobility. It showcases earthy and inventive flower and foliage arrangements for your home with basic information on the types of vegetation that work together harmoniously. From your own backyard to urban roadsides and far-flung coastlines, Loose Leaf's incredible botanical art will kick-start your own ideas and creativity.



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